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A look at... George Martin.

Our final mashup this morning features the work of D. C. Thomson artist, George Martin (not to be confused with the record producer.

First off, we have Nip and Rrip from the pages of Nutty.

First Apperance: Issue 1 (16/2/80)

Final Appearance: No. 292 (25/9/1985)

Today’s episode of Nip and Rrip first appeared in Nutty, dated 6/8/83.

Now, we have another of them comic crossovers.  This time, the Defective Detective, Nick Kelly has a visit from the Badd Lads.

This originally appeared in the Beezer and Topper No. 3, dated 6/10/90

and here is another crossover with Kelly, this time from the Beezer and Topper No. 8, dated 10/11/1990.

and while we are on the subject of Nick Kelly, here he is from the first series in the Topper, dated 5/12/1964.  Here are the stats.

Comic Title: Send for Kelly (and his assistant Cedric)

Comic: The Topper

First Appearance: No 413 (31/12/1960)

Final Appearance: No. 1906 (12/8/1989) (1st Series)

Here is the Send For Kelly strip from this issue.
Send for Kelly

Now, we have the Topper's Royal Highness, King Gussie.

Comic Title: King Gussie

Comic: the Topper

First Series run: No. 235 (3/8/1957) until No. 431 (6/5/1961)

Second series run: from No. 519 (12/1/1963) until No. 921 (26/7/1971), not appearing every week in the final years.

Today’s King Gussie strip originally appeared in the Topper, issue dated 5/12/1964.

Now, we have the man with the big feet, Claude Hopper from the Dandy

Comic Title: Claude Hopper

First Appearance: No. 1529 (13/3/71)

Final Appearance: No. 1661 (22/9/73)

This is from the Dandy Summer Special, 1971.

Now, we have the Dandy's Bright Spark, Sunny Boy.

Comic Title: Sunny Boy (He’s a Bright Spark)

Comic: The Dandy

First Appearance: No. 1081 (11/8/62)

Final Appearance: No. 1214 (27/2/65)

Reprinted in the Dandy from No. 1532 to No. 1663

Todays Sunny Boy strip first appeared in the Dandy in No. 1081, but was reprinted in No. 1540 (29/5/71)
Sunny Boy

Finally, we have a double serve of the Dandy’s gluttonous master, Greedy Pigg

Comic Title: Greedy Pigg

Comic: The Dandy

First Appearance: Issue 1215 (6/3/65)

Final Appearance: No. 1528 (6/3/71). Further series appeared in 1978 (#1894 (11/3/78) – #2148 (22/1/83)) and 1984 (#2226 (21/7/84) – #2239 (20/10/84))

If you are a school kid, and bring a packed lunch, pray that you never go to a class that master Mr. Pigg is conducting. You will be sure that it will be confiscated (and eaten). You can also be sure that the kids will get their revenge on the glutton.

Today, I have a double whammy of Greedy Pigg, the first is the strips debut on 6/3/65, and a later strip from 14/4/79

This now concludes wave one of today''s batch of mashups and reconstructions.  I'll have more in wave two at 4:00.

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