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SGDQ passes 1.2M in donations towards Doctors without borders!

Starting on the 26th of July Games Done Quick, a group of gamers dedicated to completing games as fast as they can, held their summer event to help raise funds for charity. The group has held the event in years before but didn't quite raise as much money as this year.

Some of the games that were completed were great classic titles and some god awful trash but all-in-all the stream was a delight to watch and never got dull with the likes of Majoras Mask being "ran" as well as Shadow the Hedgehog and many more.

Although the event is over now money will continue to roll in from more sponsors and donations but as of writing the total sits at $1,230,852 which is amazing to say the least! Tune in next year and make sure you support the guys and their great help to the charity.

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