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waiting for class

Just finished my Building Science lecture. About sustainability development. Global warming, the earth, Easter Island, ecosystem etc etc etc.. Seriously I only understand half of the lecture. It's been such a long long long time since I've touched on science-y things. Anyway it was interesting though to learn some really good stuff today & it actually reminded me on how seldom I read the papers. I mean I do read papers but more on duh.. TV Guide, comics, news such as who got raped, fire, dead, accident etc etc etc. Seldom on environmental & politics news. My lecturer, Lin Lin was talking about this show - The Day After Tomorrow. I wanted to watch it when the movie came out but didn't at last because Eric told me the movie was way way way boring & lotsa lotsa lotsa of words. I thought the preview was good but he said not worth the bucks. Sigh. Now I gotta find the dvd & watch it. Same goes to Waterworld. Ishhh.. today already got assignment. 5-minutes presentation on any environmental news issues from the papers. How? Anyone help to suggest a good topic for my presentation??? Pretty pleasseee... Anything on which animal is gonna extinct or which new species is found, or tornados, hurricanes.. anythingg!!!!

easter island, once a sub-tropical island turned biological waste at 1722A.D.

AND I haven't start on my Archi Design3 assignment yet. Damn.. I don't know how to start actually. That's why I stuck myself in the com lab trying to do some research on flying & floating. Hahah.. oh ya. Com Lab cannot print gehhh... no wonder the resources fees so cheap. Ceh. oh ya again!! the food is super cheap. 1 buck for a plate of fried rice with egg. Hhehehe.. Gotta head back to work. Till then..
p/s : my house phone line is backk!!!! cheerss!!!

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